Specialty Engineering

The companies of CEG are recognized as leaders in precast concrete specialty engineering. Services provided to precast concrete producers and their associations include: 

  • Product design
  • Shop drawings
  • Analysis of precast concrete frames and structures 
  • Value engineering of structures for possible conversion to precast concrete 
  • Analysis and design of unusual and innovative connections 
  • Marketing and management consulting investigations    
  • BIM modeling

Projects incorporating specialty engineering services include: 

  • Stadiums and Arenas - These range from high profile projects such as the Atlanta Olympic Stadium and numerous NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB and major university venues to small additions to local arenas. 
  • Parking Structures - CEG companies have furnished concrete specialty engineering for over one hundred parking structures of all sizes. Several have won awards from PCI and parking associations. Several have also included Parking Structure Planning and Design.
  • Corrections Facilities - These have ranged from high-rise facilities like the Jacksonville, FL, Pretrial Detention Facility to small county jails. We helped pioneer the use of precast concrete in prisons with the Virginia Medium Security Institutions in the early 1980's.
  • Total Precast Buildings - We have been involved in all sizes and types, from large all-precast paper mills and microchip factories to data centers.
  • Architectural Cladding and Insulated Panels - These can be as simple as sandblasted spandrel panels on a parking structure to intricate geometrical shapes with a variety of finishes on high-rise buildings. 

CEG has also provided services to the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute, both as committee volunteers and under contract. These include publications and research projects such as:

  • PCI Design Handbook. Served as Editor-In Chief for the first three editions and have been major contributors and committee members on all editions. 
  • Design for Fire Resistance. Authored by Armand Gustaferro under a CEG contract with PCI. 
  • Short Span Bridges. Compiled and edited the first edition. 
  • Survey of Precast Prestressed Concrete Parking Structures. PCI Specially Funded R&D Research Project No. 7 
  • Durable Design of Parking Structures. A research project by CEG-TX 
  • Parking Structures. Recommended Practice for Design and Construction. Edited by Tom D'Arcy of CEG-TX.

For more information on how we can assist in your specialty engineering needs, contact one of the CEG companies or send an email to engineers@cegtex.com.